Dragoness soars in the sky
dragoness, I watch you fly
Through the clouds, through the rain
I claw at my heart, I claw at the pain
You are the light, you are my bain
I am the darkness, I am to blame
Your life so delicate, your grace so great
Mine full of horror, my isolation is my fate
I am so cold, my eyes like slate
I shiver occasionally, the warmth shows through
Dragoness, dragoness in the brewing clouds
you fly freely through the stormy rain
The darkness returns, I avert my eyes
I dont want you to see my pain
You are gone, I deal with the pain
It wells up inside me, a festuring wound of self blame
I wish to die, but I cannot try
would forever my tired soul burn and fry?
I continue on, my tiring course till twilight
I am tired of the worry, tired of the fight
I pray to you, my dear dragoness
I pray for the calmness, the mercy of your might
I live on to breathe your scent, see your wonderous sight
I help you in your exploits, but stay neutral with my self hatred spite
Will I ever heal my blight?
I pray to you, my dear dragoness, that you may see far ahead
and steer a steady course to the darkness of Twilight.