Moving back and forth, the moon throws shadows
Across the noisy room. People scream as glasses clink.
Inky blackness sweeps over the crowd, and as
Their mouths keep moving, the noise stops. Their features
Are twisted; their gaping mouths and eyes gnarled
Figures in my mind. Suddenly I realize it is not them who
Have changed, it’s me. Looking in the mirror there is not
The person I have come to know as myself. Someone
Better? The image of a young girl stretched over a
Hideously ugly, ominous creature. As soon as the
Thoughts have escaped my mind, the flesh on the mirrored
Image melts away, revealing a terrible creature with
Blackened skin and red bulging eyes. I realize with horror
That this is me, and as I try to scream nothing escapes
My mouth but a venemous rasp full of hate and anguish.
Those in the room I had seen as distorted now look at me –
I am the monster. I try to stop them, but as I do flames
Shoot out my mouth, scorching those who are brave enough
To get close to try and help me. But how can they if I can’t
Change myself from this monster?