My dream

„My Dream“

i had a dream last night
i dream of a dragon
a dragon red like fire
a dragon pure and tender
in the dream the dragon flew
it’s tail whipping in the wind
it’s scales shimmering like the moon off the water
her beauty beyond compare
i had a dream where good existed
and the dragon was it’s keeper
she fought for passion with a vengence like fire

i had a dream last night
i dream of glory
the glory for one dragon
the only dragon left in existence
but not the only born form hope
in the dream the dragon flew
she caste happiness and purity
and cried for hatred and death
and she sang for innocence and love
i had a dream where beauty flourished
and man and beast could co-exist
where my happiness was for this dragon
and her beauty was cast on me

Copyright Kim Ward (11-15-98), All rights reserved

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